Monday, December 29, 2014

Accidentally? How?

Most people can't honestly say they are 'accidentally' vegan. They chose to be vegan due to the politics, the ethics, the philosophy. Or their parents raised them vegan due to the same reasons. Not me. My body chose this option for me. I'm just listening to what my body is telling me. 

Growing up I always knew my body didn't like foods like everyone else. I got apple juice at lunch while everyone else had to have milk. Why? Because I couldn't drink the milk, I was allergic. Well I tried many things over the years. Typing when a person is allergic to milk, they are allergic to lactose. So they can take a pill and voila! eat all the yummy dairy foods that every kid wants.

Not me. I'm allergic to the milk protein, casein. So that means absolutely no milk, no dairy. I went many years following the "I can have some, just not a lot" effort. And was absolutely miserable for it. But then even when I didn't eat dairy I wasn't real happy. That's because casein is also in beef. So no beef. But wait, that also means no milk or milk products from ANY animal, and no meat from ANY animal that produces milk.

Well crap. That leaves poultry. And seafood, but I've never been big on much seafood. So poultry. That still didn't leave me many options. After a few months of following *this* regimen, and discovering that even items labeled 'vegan' or that don't show milk as a potential allergen still may contain casein and so I have to read EVERY item on the ingredient list, I was feeling better, but still not the best.

And so I am cutting out all meat and animal products. This isn't a huge change for me. I already drink and use rice milk. I use Earth's balance butter. A good number of my meals don't include meat because a girl can only eat chicken or turkey for so many nights before that gets old.

So now I am owning the fact that I am a vegan. Not because I have anything against eating meat, although after reading a few books on veganism the factory farming is sickening and makes me glad that I don't support them any longer. By owning it, I am opening myself up to new ideas.

Come along gals and gents. This could be a crazy ride as I sift through new recipes, find new foods I love (and maybe hate), and find a new lifestyle that will allow me to feel better.

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