Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Deliciously Satisfying

So my first family meal was a hit.

My dd, 8, normally turns her nose up at veggies. My honorary ds (best friend and I live together, her children ds and dd2 are practically my own. We both claim them and they all go to both of us for mommy decisions, love, and cuddles) usually will try most things but prefers the norm. And dd2 usually doesn't care for anything that isn't sweet.

I made Veggie Fajita Noodles and Guacamole from GI 365. It did take a decent amount of prep time, in part, I'm sure, because I'm not the most adept at prepping veggies, I don't have a julienner, and I had a 2 year old at my side for most of it. But it was delicious.

DD loved the zucchini. She also tried the lime and red bell pepper, which she wasn't as fond of, but she said that she is now excited to try the zucchini lasagna I have talked about. This is a HUGE step forward for her.

DS loved the guacamole. He wasn't as fond of the pasta but he ate it.

DD2 was eating the guacamole by the spoonful. She ate every piece of the fajita noodles and seemed to enjoy it.

This is an exciting start to this journey. My bff enjoyed it as well. And my bf's sister asked me for the recipe.

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